Squiggles mat and Snugg n go

A big thank you to everyone who has donated to Aiden’s fund, (www.gofundme.com/amazingaiden).  With the current donations we been able to purchase Aiden a Squiggles mat and a Snugg n go.

The Squiggles mat allows us to put Aiden in different positions, allowing him to target different muscles and work on specific areas.  The mat also has a high backed seated support so we can work on sitting and gives Aiden a different view other than just lying on the floor.

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The Snugg n go is a postural support for Aiden when sitting in his pushchair or buggy.  When Aiden would sit in his buggy he would tend to lean to the side as his trunk muscles are weaker.  The Snugg n go is simply long cushions which enable Aiden to sit upright, which in turn will help support his muscles.

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There are many more pieces of equipment an sensory toys that will benefit Aiden, further money raised will be put towards these.

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