In May 2017 the amazing Napa Team headed over to the UK to from LA for 3 weeks to see a number of children, luckily for us Aiden was one of those children. Over 3 weeks he received 60 hours of neurosuit, CME and speech therapy. For the first time Aiden would do 4 hours straight without a break, it was though on him but he did well, there were times where he struggled and times were he excelled.\r
Aiden is non verbal and isn’t able to talk, he has a few words which he can use when he chooses but on this trip our amazing speech therapist worked tirelessly to help Aiden form and learn a couple of new words. To our amazement Aiden learnt to say mama and more, what we love even more than that is that Aiden knows when to use the word more, in the correct context!!!\r
Physically he made gains but not as big gains as previously however, you can’t do 60 hours of therapy and not see changes. We held back making this video so we could see what he would do in the weeks and months following the intensive, well he’s made us proud and certainly continued to develop, take a look and watch to the end . . . .\r